29 January 2011

Perfect Winter Days

Sweatman's BBQ, Holly Hill, S.C.

It's been the kind of perfect crisp and sunshiny lowcountry winter day that we are so fond of boasting about to everyone we know up north. I went for a drive in the country with friends, stopping for lunch at Sweatman's BBQ in Holly Hill and took this picture of a painting over the mantle in the restaurant. Hahah! Even the BBQ royalty have to have their portrait painted.

The big news is I bought this - a sweet wooden 12 foot long wooden Sassafras canoe. I had been googling around for a solo canoe I could handle by myself and had seen this one months ago. I scratched it off the dream list since it was sold as a kit for almost $900. Nah.

Last week I found a gentleman in Hanahan on Craigslist who was cleaning out his garage. He had bought the kit years ago, spent a month putting it together and never finished painting the outside. Whoa! He not only did all the work putting it together but gave me a super deal and was willing to throw in a seat and paddle. Happy days!

I am going to have to paint the outside but hopefully I can handle that. This sweetie only weighs 26 pounds so I should be able to carry it myself. I'll have to go back and get my new baby later in the week but she knows she is mine.


  1. Nice couple, I'm sure, but that is one ugly baby!

  2. A finger lickin' tasty baby!

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Happy paddlin' is your camera waterproof? Connie

  4. Connie - no, it isn't. I am thinking I need a more compact sporty model for on the go. Someday. One thing at a time!

  5. Of course, we're waiting for pictures of the new addition to the family.... before and after painting, please!

  6. I am diggin' the modern take on "American Gothic".

    Good luck and have fun with the canoe.

  7. Love the portrait. It reminds me of the joke about someone asking the guy holding a pig, "Where'd ya get him?" And the pig answered, "I won him in a raffle."

    And that canoe is sweeeeet! :)


  8. Hey Joan I love the picture of the birds flying the fLAG at their home!!! CUTE!!

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    You're going to have so much fun, Joan! I have an old 9' (recycled plastic) Keowee that I poke around in on the Waccamaw. Get paddling buddies so you can park one car up river and one car where you take out--the easy paddle trip-all downstream!

  10. Marcheline - photos to follow! I still have to find my "friend with a truck" to go pick my baby up.

    bfarr - Crazy, eh? :)

    Lowandslow - It is a crazy picture since it is a pork bbq place. Poor little piggie ended up as pulled pork on a bun.

    BeachGypsy - thank you! Made me smile :)

    Shelley - I am thinking more of the lakes here - puttering around Lake Marion. Nice.


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