29 January 2011

Patriotic Birds of the Lowcountry

Marion Square, Charleston, S.C.

Patriotic birds of the Lowcountry! They fly the flag over their nest.

I couldn't resist :).

It is a lovely bright and sunny day. I walked to the East Bay Post Office to pick up a certified letter. Do people have any idea what a problem certified mail requiring signatures is for people who work? No, I am not there to sign it and no, I won't be home to sign it. I won't get off work in time to get to the Post Office. I might feel better about it if it is a Publisher's Clearing House check.


  1. Joan, you hit the nail on the head. And then the packages you WISH they would keep for you, they leave somewhere outside your house in a rainstorm. In similar "WTF" news, it snowed here Wednesday night, and so the garbage men didn't pick up our garbage on Thursday morning. On Friday, it still wasn't picked up. I called the village hall (we pay astronomical taxes because we live inside village limits, with our own waste department) and they said the next pickup is Monday. I said, "But our cans were full on Thursday". They said, "But it snowed." So that's it, huh? We just have overflowing garbage on our property for another four days because they couldn't come on the specified day?

    AAAAAAARRRRRRRGHHH. I bet the days of no service aren't going to be subtracted from our tax bill...

  2. Hey this is South Carolina, even the Fire Ants fly little American flags atop their mounds.

  3. Wonderful juxtaposition Joan. I wonder what kind of bird made such a nest.

  4. yeah, nice shot! Great blog, just found you.


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