24 January 2010

Down the Red Carpet

Hippodrome, Charleston, S.C.

I had a chance to attend the pre-premier party for the movie Dear John at the Hippodrome. The sold out event was a fundraiser for Carolina Autism and was attended by Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. Fun! Chef Sean Brock and the staff from McCrady's whipped up their amazing treats for the event.

The movie was sold out so I came on home and watched Amanda Seyfried on Big Love which is one of my favorite shows. Meanwhile, the Dear John stars and fans are probably all still partying at the after party at the aquarium.


  1. Jason was there photographing for Charlie Mag. Looked like fun.

  2. Caroline - Lucky me, eh!

    JanetLee - We just crossed paths. I saw his name on a press pass and had my eye our for him. He came when I was leaving.


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