24 January 2010

Of all the galas, in all the towns........

Charleston Place Hotel, RSFH Gala, Charleston, S.C.

Of all the galas, in all the towns, in all the world, she wears that gown into mine....

Ha! Is the correct quote "Great minds think alike" or "Fools never differ"? Julie Diamond (right) and I wore exactly the same gown to the RSFH Gala last night. Julie's husband Joe has the office next to mine and she had actually called me to ask how formal the event was and what I was wearing. I guess I didn't describe it very well. We had a good laugh and decided we both had good taste.

It's fun to dress up once and a while. I even had my hair done for this one and it's become a once a year ritual. I have to face the hairdresser and it's clearly obvious that I have been hacking away at my own hair all year before I pile it up in a clip each morning. Sabriam Brinton at Whispers on Wentworth looked stunned at the chopped up mess I'd made after I last cut it with bandage scissors and trimmed me up to be presentable. Tada! Miracle worker. Thanks Sabriam!


  1. You both look beautiful in the dress! It looks like a fabulous gala.

  2. I'm glad you could both laugh about it. I've never understood all the hoopla about someone else showing up in the same outfit.

  3. Style and beautiful color on your dresses.
    It looks like it was a Great evening!!

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hello gorgeous!!

  5. You look terrific. And that dress looks gorgeous on both of you. I prefer 'great minds think alike".

  6. That's so funny. But, things worked out well as your photo shows two fine-looking women!

  7. Beautiful! Both of you! And I love purple. I was upset that critics thought Sandra Bullock's purple dress was unattractive. I thought it was gorgeous.

  8. Joan, you both look stunning in purple but of course I think you look just a little bit better in the dress than Julie! It is great that you both retained your sense of humor! That is what makes it so fun!

  9. Well, the dress is beautiful on both of you!
    I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. Looks like a fun event.

  10. I'm in the "great minds think alike" field. You both look smashing - you just a little bit more than the other lady, of course.

  11. Thanks folks! It didn't bother me at all :)


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