25 January 2010

Cemetery Walking - Magnolia

Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, S.C.

Thanks to whoever decorated the cemetery for me. I seemed to follow a photo op trail. I spent hours at Magnolia Cemetery on Saturday morning.

Are we ready to face another week? Yawn.


  1. Following the magnolia pods at Magnolia Gardens seems just right. Did they lead somewhere interetsing?

  2. That's one way to decorate the gate and a good way to clean up the pods.

  3. There were other neat things - shells on top of crosses etc. I took so many pictures but left that disc at work today. Later. Sometimes I feel like people leave treats knowing I'll be snapping away in glee. My imagination of course.

  4. What a nice way to deface property. Wish we could get a movement like this going in the country rather than the vandalism we normally see in cemeteries.


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