15 February 2016

Up the stairs

King St., Charleston, SC   
As shop spaces get used up on King St. I've noticed teasing signs enticing shoppers up side steps to stores on the second level. They are worth the climb! There are a couple of cute little shops tucked away down the alley, up the stairs and down the hallway. Give them a chance!

In other news, I think it's time to finally get rid of my landline. Boo. My phone has been ringing off the hook during this political season and has reached the tipping point. I wonder how many people call to cancel their phone lines during an election year?

In even other news I just took my favorite pear tart out of the oven and it made me think of this rediscovered picture of my grandmother Helen Cameron at pear harvest season on Canada. As children we would help sort the pears by size to determine if they were big enough to be sold. One of my cousins recently scanned in and shared batches of old black and white pictures that have been delighting me. This is exactly how I remember my grandmother.


  1. How wonderful! Old family photos are some of my favorite things...

    That photo at the top of the post reminds me of the opening scenes from "Downton Abbey" - the lighting, the peace...

    1. Oh, a cousin has been scanning in so many pictures and I am delighting in them!

  2. Quite a shot of your grandmother.

    Let your answering machine screen any calls- don't pick up.

    1. When it rings I still feel like I have to check the caller ID so I jump up anyway. Grrrrr.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    A lovely entry, thank you. I think as we all get older, our Grandmothers become more and more cherished. As for the landline, you might be surprised how much you don't miss it. Good Luck surviving primary week in SC!
    Cheers from Diane
    In Denver

    1. It is wearing me out. Hard to even watch tv right now.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I have relatives in New Hampshire who report that they are just beginning to breathe again. Our caucuses are March 1st and until then, my TV remote will be close at hand. Hang in there, Joan!

  4. Wow! Great harvest. I wonder if any pear brandy got made.

    1. That is the funny part - they also grew and sold grapes but were teetotalers. They sold their grapes and asked that they be used for rubbing alcohol and grape juice. Heheh.


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