17 February 2016

Turkish Delight

Kissmet, King St., Charleston, SC  
Did you know we had a Turkish shop on King St. How have I missed it? The jewelry in the window of Kissmet lured me in and then I was dazzled by the explosion of textures and color. Rugs, lamps, purses and boots. Visit their online shop here. Many, many years ago as a sixteen year old I bought a treasured embroidered leather belt in a market in Istanbul and for a moment this took me back in time.


  1. The colors are wonderful. But I didn't know Turks wore cowboy boots. Or are those rain boots?

  2. Those lamps certainly look appealing!

  3. Oh, Joan... you have hit upon one of my all-time weaknesses.... HANGING LAMPS!!! I live in a tiny cottage and I have at least five... all weird, vintage jobs with odd colored glass... even one from a church, with elongated stained glass panels! I should do a blog post on them someday, now you've inspired me. Thanks for the great pics!!

  4. I wouldn't mind one or several of those lights hanging from a tree in the back garden.


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