07 February 2016

Free Little Libraries - Avondale

Mini Library, West Ashley - Charleston, SC   
I love these free little libraries with loaned books and discovered two in my own neighborhood this morning on my drizzly walk. I won't be putting 10,000 on the step counter today. It is wet and windy out there.

Watch your head on Magnolia Rd. The low branch is going to wallop someone in the head in the dark.


  1. That's a pretty big branch! The little libraries are cute.

    1. They are cute! They always make me happy

  2. Those libraries are a great idea.

    1. Kinda makes me want one but I am not on the sidewalk side of the street.

  3. I've found one of those little free libraries here in Lakeland!

  4. The first library is just sitting on the grass? Such trusting people in Charleston. And, I am amazed that the municipality has not required the owner of that tree to prune the limb away from the sidewalk. I am 6'6" and get very annoyed when I am out walking and encounter low-lying branches. (I have 12,500 steps so far today and it is only 5 o'clock.)

    1. Yes, both of the little libraries were on the edge of property and easy to get to. I haven't heard of anyone having any trouble with them. At 6'6" that tree would hit you in the belly. It has always been low but not that low. We had a lot of rain last night and it may have weighed it down. Something will have to be done. You beat me on the steps today. Well done!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Who is responsible for these?? I would love to donate books to it from our book drive Angels with Books!!

  7. Who is responsible for these?? I would love to donate books to it from our book drive Angels with Books!!

  8. Who is responsible for these i would love to donate books to it from our angels!!
    Angels with Wings


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