06 February 2016

From the files

Mawlai, Meghalaya, India
I am heading out for a walk shortly but thought I'd share this scanned photo from my childhood. I am easily identified because I wore shoes for class photo day. I always made good and fast friends in school and have fond memories of wild games, laughter and pranks. Sadly when I moved I made such huge moves across the world and usually lost complete contact. Good times.


  1. I had no idea you spent time there!

    1. Yes, most of my childhood. It was a great place to be a kid. My father was headmaster of an elementary school.

  2. Wondering why the girls in the photo had a blanket wrapped around their shoulders and the boys didn't.

    1. The girls wore them most of the time and the boys when they felt like it or it was chilly.


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