21 July 2013

The Tastier Peach State

Schuler Peach Co. at the Charleston Farmer's Market, Charleston, S.C.
If I had a nickle for every time someone has told me that S.C. grows more peaches than the Peach State of Georgia I'd be able to buy myself a modest peach farm. According to the SC Dept of Agriculture website we aren't even going to fight for the title, we have our own. We are the "Tastier Peach State".

I picked peaches one summer as a teenager in Canada. I remember as if it was yesterday being at the top of a ladder stretching to reach for a giant juicy peach with my fingertips. I bit into it and stood there on my perch overlooking the orchard with peach juice dripping down my arms. I am forever looking for that very perfect peach and enjoying every bite of the journey.


  1. Can't tolerate peaches. SWMBO, on the other hand, loves them.

  2. I love peaches yet I always have a flop when I try to bake something using them. Can't figure it out.


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