01 January 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Riverland Terrace, James Island, S.C.
Ugggh. I've picked up the nasty cold virus that is going around  and was relieved I didn't have to do much today. I sound awful. Cough, sniff.

I did drag myself out of my favorite couch corner this afternoon to walk through Riverland Terrace. It's a lovely neighborhood of reasonably sized cottages, oak lined streets, close to the water and my favorite theater.

I had just started my walk when I was waved over by a gentleman who lifted a drape covering this vintage Harley like a magician revealing a treasure. He'd brought her down in boxes from Ohio and reassembled her lovingly. He was a widower of three years. He was the "Top Dawg" painted on the side and his wife's name "Cheech" was still on the back. Cheech used to enjoy riding behind him.

I had surely walked right into a New Year's resolution in action.  Get the bike ready to ride. Talk to women. Life goes on.

Happy New Year, Top Dawg. I think you are going to be okay.


  1. And you just bought the perfect boots.

  2. Sounds like a friendly kind of guy! Lonesome, adventurous?? Better watch out; he may be looking for a new passenger on that scooter!

  3. excellent background for this post. thanks and feel better soon.

  4. Rick - I do!

    Kate - He was bouncing with happy energy. :)

    brattcat - thanks. I do sound awful. Blah.

  5. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sounds like a great walk, however get well. From half a world away I share those miserable splutters and sniffles.

  6. RT and your favorite theater are in my part of town. I love walking (and driving) through there, too. The architecture is interesting - everything from humble duplexes to grand mansions in one neighborhood. I read a history of it once that included the original sales brochure. It was considered "country" at the time (or at least very outlying surburbia). Ha! :)


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