01 January 2012

New Year's Eve at Husk

New Year's Eve, Husk, Queen St., Charleston, S.C.
This first picture makes me laugh! I do have tall friends and for a change we didn't make them hide at the back of the group shot. Heheh. Thanks to everyone at Husk for making our New Year's Eve so special.

It was a grand way to end the year feasting at the "best new restaurant in American" according to Bon Appetite Magazine. None of us argued with that title last night as we licked our plates clean. So many lovely platters of taste treats - fried chicken skins, crispy pigs ears to wrap in lettuce were sent out for us to try  before our chosen entrees arrived  that we could have proceeded directly to desert. But. We didn't. Thanks to Chef de Cuisine Travis Grimes and the staff for a wonderful evening and my friend Andre' for his connections to these talented folk.

Look at that catfish! I ordered the pork chop and I just remembered that I didn't lick that plate clean - I brought some of it home so I could enjoy my Maple Pana Cotta desert. I am off to take care of those leftovers right now.  The menu is still posted today if you are inclined to drool on your keyboard. Happy New Year, kids!
Chef Travis Grimes & Andre' Guillet


  1. What could be better than celebrating New Year's Eve with such good company and such good food.

    Happy New Year, Joan!

  2. Thanks Pixel! Happy New Year to you!

  3. What a great looking bunch. I know you guys had fun.

  4. I love food posts. That looks amazing! Glad to hear everyone had such a great New Year's eve celebration. ;)


  5. Some great looking grub. And, of course, you look fabulous, Joan.

  6. Rick - we did! Join the party next year!

    lowandslow - Funny that such a famous restaurant has such down to earth tasty food. Everyone seems to love it.

    Bruce - Thank you! :)

  7. Certainly looks like you all had a good time. Enjoy 2012!

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Good food - TICK...... good company - TICK........good time :) Sounds like just the ticket!!!! Happy New Year.

  9. Kate - We did!

    maggsworld - Yes, it has become a happy tradition. Eat well, eat early and be home by midnight.


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