17 January 2012

New Super Hero hits town

King St., Charleston, S.C.
I had to post this picture again. It slipped by unnoticed in the MLK Day parade series. Seriously folks. What the heck? He called out, "There is a new super hero in town and it's Mr. Peanut."

There were quite a few "Peanut Men" selling or handing out Boiled Peanuts along the route but I'm still not clear on what the connection is. Wonder what special powers our super hero has?


  1. This is a great shot of the Peanut Man, especially in conjunction with the vintage cars... it makes for an intriguing image!

  2. I don't get the "peanut" part either, but he does seem to be a pied piper of old cars. I wish I had that talent. ;)


  3. This fellow, Mr. Peanut, had his own comic book for a while. Not sure if it is still sold. I'd check Wikipedia but it has been blacked out for 24 hours.


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