18 January 2012

1600 Meeting St.

1600 Meeting St., Charleston, S.C.
1600 Meeting St., Charleston, S.C.
It is an eye catching building, no doubt, sitting abandoned for years in a mostly industrial section of upper Meeting St. I was aware of it because I am always sneaking up that way to wander around Magnolia Cemetery.

At a recent Pecha Kucha evening, it was presented as the anchor of a future "creative corridor". More information here: 1600 Meeting and on their facebook page. I still can't tell if anything is really happening there or if it is all simply a cool concept. The sign suggests that the last incarnation of the building was some kind of Antique store.

I walked up the block to throw the giant wooden cross in just to impress you. :))

Bed time, kids. I have two Tres Leches Boston Cream cakes cooling and the house smells delicious. Yum.


  1. I love it when old buildings are re-purposed. I hope your "creative corridor" is a huge success.


  2. Me too. It would be great to see some creative energy buzz up there.

  3. I've never commented before, but have loved following your photos for at least a year. This first photo really strikes me as particularly wonderful. Thank you for sharing this unique structure.

  4. i'm wondering about that pipe system connected to some of the windows on the top floor. we'll be in charleston the second weekend in march. maybe i can see this myself.

  5. RunningLaur - Thanks for the comment and compliment. I appreciate it very much.

    brattcat - You coming our way!? Cool. March can be lovely. The pipes look like a wacky air conditioning duct system to me. A lot of these old buildings had no place for ductwork.

  6. Does anyone remember the esso motor oil and gas---that was t heri office-during the hurricane, I t hink gracie- a couple of tanks caught fire-very exciting-went through that one and Charlie in Fort Myers, Fla.-then another one latter-enough already-none as bad as Huggo-


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