03 October 2011

Passing Ships

Charleston, S.C. 

Sleepy me. I must remember that it is a big mistake to do chores on a weekday.  Bedtime, kids but I do love people who decorate their windows as much for the people passing by as they do for the folks inside. 


  1. I love the model ships, too, but I'm absolutely puzzled by the placement of the windows. It's like a freshman architecture project....that failed.


  2. Of course YOU have the best questions. I wonder if I have a shot of the whole house. That might explain some of it.

  3. You have a good, observant eye. An interesting way to showcase some objects and delight passers-by.

  4. Never, ever do chores on a weekday. And weekends are meant for relaxing, not chores. So there.

    Lowandslow, what's wrong with the windows? I built Lego houses with windows like that...

  5. Thanks Pixel! A gal after my own lazy heart!


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