16 September 2011

Sweet Friday evening

Aiken Rhett House, Judith St., Charleston, S.C.

Oh, my pretty little weekend. I love you.

It's been a non stop week but I was able to sneak out in time to do my very favorite thing - get to the Terrace Theater for a matinee. There is nothing that suits me better than sitting alone in the dark and letting the work week slip away on a Friday afternoon. I got my usual cuppa hot tea and since I've been a very, very good girl, I picked up a piece of the caramel cake. Ouch. They started selling the cake during The Help but I didn't plan on being tempted on a regular basis. Danger. This afternoon I saw The Guard which I liked very much and then sat outside next door at Savory and enjoyed a bowl of hot soup. The air is crisp and cool! It's a Charleston miracle.

I don't need to walk this evening since I will be walking to and from the Lowcountry Heart Walk in the morning. I am going to be completely lazy.

Today's photo is of the Aiken Rhett House on Judith St. It isn't on my regular walking route so I tend to forget it is there and then run into it and am stunned each time. Isn't it grand? I haven't done the tour since I first moved to Charleston. I should do it again soon.
The Aiken-Rhett House stands alone as the most intact townhouse complex showcasing urban life in antebellum Charleston. Built in 1818 and greatly expanded by Gov. and Mrs. William Aiken, Jr. in the 1830s and 1850s, the house has survived virtually unaltered since 1858.  A successful businessman, rice planter, distinguished politician and governor of South Carolina, William Aiken, Jr. was one of the state’s wealthiest citizens. Following a well-established tradition among Charleston’s elite, Governor Aiken and his wife, Harriet Lowndes Aiken, traveled in Europe and returned with magnificent fine art and furnishings. Today, visitors will find many of these objects in the same rooms for which they were purchased.
And now, because I've fallen into the habit of including colorful bikes in my shots, here is another view:


  1. Sigh. How do I wait the weekends every week. :) Saturday is the best day ever! Since you know you're not working tomorrow, too.

    call USA

  2. The Aiken Rhett was my favorite house tour, and I would make all my visitors go when I lived there. It looks as if the exterior has been restored, but I hope the inside has not lost its sense of decaying elegance.

  3. There is just SO much beautiful architecture there in Charleston. :)


  4. Jimmy - I agree. I try to make the most of Friday evening to make it seem longer. It is never enough.

    Les - I need to get back in. I remember it the same way.

    Lowandslow - I never run out!

  5. Re: The movie - I love Brendan Gleeson! Will have to check this one out. He was great as Mad Eye Moody in the Harry Potter flicks.

    Re: The house - wonder if the singer Clay Aiken is related to these Aikens.


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