15 September 2011

Self Portrait on North Market

North Market St., Charleston, S.C.

I've been missing in action lately. Whew. It is one of the busiest times of the year for me but things should let up shortly. I am a big American Heart Association supporter and the Lowcountry Heart Walk is this Saturday.  I love the advances that have been made in awareness of ways to prevent and treat heart disease. In the time I've been in healthcare the changes are incredible. I can't help feeling that I am on a winning team. On Saturday I intend to take over 500 people to the walk and by the skin of my teeth we will have raised $40,000.

Yesterday I held a day time silent auction at work. I had no idea how it would work since every auction I've ever been involved in required alcohol to loosen the purse strings. Heheh. We did fine and I set up a table and sold matted prints of some of my photographs. My office looks like a yellow bomb exploded with boxes of walk shirts and people have been handing me money as I walk through the halls. My little head is swimming. I made it to town in time to talk down to the Heart Association on King St. to turn in another cash filled envelope and felt pretty good about it. I am so grateful to the people I work with for making this project so much fun. Go team Pirates!

Here is the link in case anyone is inclined to join the festivities, walk, come take pictures or make a donation. We'd be glad to have you!

Today's photo is fresh off the pavement. There were a couple of chalk drawings but this one lined up perfectly. 

I need food. 


  1. I don't know how it works out this way but I'm always out of town on Heart Walk Day. Always.

  2. Mike - True! It is early this year and the date conflicts with everything. I am supposed to be at my national conference but had to miss it.

  3. super title for this fun capture.

  4. Aye! :D Very funny picture. :) Thanks once more! 40000 doesn't look like an easy sum to raise... WIsh you luck.

    call Nigeria

  5. Congrats on raising so much money for a great cause!!!

  6. Thanks folks! We did it :)


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