26 January 2011

Wednesday Hodge Podge

King St., Charleston, S.C.

Dark rolling clouds today and then it cleared up and the sky was beautiful.

Holy Cow kids, I've been bouncing balls this week. I ran a book and uniform fund raising sale today and have seventy kids interested in being nurses coming for a career exploration evening tomorrow night at Roper Hospital. Should be happy chaos!

I did make it out in time to meet my friend Debby at Med Bistro and we opened our calendars, spread out the Spoleto Festival brochure on the table and checked off what looked interesting. Let me know if you have any recommendations. Each year I plan to make the most of the festival and then it slips by before I get my act together. Not this time!

When you have a minute this is a lovely story: Vivian Maier - The Unknown Master Street Photographer. It is about a lady who worked as a nanny in Chicago and roamed the streets for years taking the most incredible photographs that were never shown to anyone until after her death when a fellow bought a box of negatives at an auction. He was stunned by what he found and tried to learn what he could about her. I expect there will be shows and books that will come out of this. I love this description of her:
She was a Socialist, a Feminist, a movie critic, and a tell-it-like-it-is type of person. She learned English by going to theaters, which she loved. She wore a men’s jacket, men’s shoes and a large hat most of the time. She was constantly taking pictures, which she didn’t show anyone.

Oh, oh! Can I play her in the movie?! There has to be a movie.


  1. I love the street scenes there...so different from what I see daily here in "new" suburbia. Now I must go check out Ms.Maier. :)


  2. I look forward to your blog every day. Your photo's provide such an interesting perspective on life in Charleston. A true pro... Thanks.

  3. I have been reading about Maier for a couple of weeks now. It is an amazing story, more so for the fact that her art good have just as easily been lost for good. Who else is out there creating things we need to see, hear or read?

  4. I didn't have the time to watch this video and explore the world of Vivian Maier, but here I am, twenty minutes later, filled with awe and wonder. Thanks for introducing us to this remarkable woman and extraordinary photographer.

  5. I have to agree with you about Spoleto. My wife and I always say we'll catch a performance or two this time around, but before you know it, the festival is past! Yikes. Also, not to toot my horn too loudly, but the cover photo on the Spoleto Ticket Brochure is one of my images, as well as a few inside. Kudos have to go to Stitch Design Co. for their brilliant design work on the brochure too.

  6. What a coincidence - I just read an article in a German newspaper about Vivian Maier yesterday. And here you are talking about her!

    There is an exhibit of her pictures in an art gallery in Hamburg going on from January 27 to April 28. The exhibit is called "Vivian Maier: Twinkle, twinkle little star..." Can a movie be far behind?

    Oh, and I still kick myself for never making it to Spoleto while we lived in South Carolina.

  7. Pixel - I think the word about her is spreading fast! Can't wait to see more.

    Doug - I am definitely going to a few shows this year and will check out the brochure for your photos. Congrats!

    brattcat, Les - Isn't it a grand story? I love it.

    Doug - Thank you!

    lowandslow - Charleston is special. No one of scenes to grab photos of here.

  8. Joan, I have been marking up my brochure of acts I want to see at the 21st annual Lowcountry Blues Bash.

    It runs Feb 3-19 so if you enjoy the blues....

  9. Chucker - I do like the blues. I've gone to a couple of their events in the past and sometimes get out to take pictures when they hold their event at the lowcountry senior center.


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