27 January 2011

SCRUBS "U" Session - Nursing Careers

SCRUBS program, Roper Hospital, Charleston, S.C.

I may have over extended myself just a little this week. I half expect to meet myself coming and going. I ended the day at Roper Hospital where the nurses had let me register sixty students interested in exploring nursing as a career.

I host these programs at least quarterly on different career topics but this is the biggest session by far and thanks to Leah Willis and her staff I just kept piling them in. I never get tired of seeing students who are really excited about learning. This evening they learned about joint replacements, how to run a code, blood pressures, hand hygiene and toured a nursing unit.

It is all part of my selfish master plan to have good people around to take care of me when I am old.

I am off to crash in my bed folks. I think I am supposed to be up in North Charleston on a vision council meeting at Trident United Way early in the morning. Y'all turn the lights out.


  1. Bravo, maybe a couple new future night shifters for BSSF

  2. I love the young man looking directly at you in that last shot. He will make a very aware nurse, perhaps.


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