05 March 2010

Under the Oaks

Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Charleston, S.C.

I was asked to give the reflection/prayer before our hospital manager's meeting yesterday and couldn't be there. I left this little video to play instead and from what I hear it was a big hit. Much better than me trying to pray in public!

I took these pictures entirely on our hospital campus. See what you think. Do I work in the most beautiful place in the world? How perfect for a hospital to have a healing garden like this for those who are suffering and in pain. If you live in Charleston, please know that you are welcome to visit our garden under the oaks.

PS: The one picture I did not take was the cool rainbow shot. One of the construction workers shared that one with me.


  1. Very lovely and appropriate.

  2. beautiful--"It is well with my soul"

  3. Yes, you do work in a beautiful location. Nicely done.

  4. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Wow. Joan what a great and powerful message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    love Shirley

  5. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Very well done and a most beautiful prayer. We would do better to listen harder and speak softer. What a tribute to the people you work with and the holy ground you work on. Enjoy your weekend... Connie

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Joan - it brought tears to my eyes. My mother passed away at the hospital two years ago. While it is difficult for my father/brother to go there, I find comfort when I go....she is buried at Arlington Cemetary in DC, so we don't get up there too often. Going by the hospital makes me feel closer to her and gives me a sense of peace. Great work and thanks much. Kathy

  7. Wow. What an amazing piece. Just lovely. :)


  8. We are sooo lucky to work there, aren't we? Pennie's trying to figure out what she's going to do next month to follow your video, Joan!

  9. Yeah the people in the car behind me started honking.

  10. Thanks folks! I tend to wander through the park on the way in to work.

    If you live locally, I'll let you know when the grand opening of the meditation garden is. I'd love to show it off.

  11. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I love it Joan, you put it together well. That would be one of my favorite Hymns. Do you know the story behind the penning of the words, " IT is well with my soul....." ? Powerful. Sally

  12. Sally, Yes, I do know the story. That is partly why I used it. I was trying to find something with Peace and Healing in it and this seemed perfect.

  13. Just Beautiful...what more can I say.


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