06 March 2010

Charleston Wine & Food Festival Dine Around

Chef Paul Liebrant

It's been a blast acting as the McCrady's Family Photographer during the Charleston Wine & Food Festival! Wowza. For a girl who is quite content with a grilled cheese sandwich I've tasted some incredible treats this week and thank Andre Guillet and all the chefs who let me hang out in the kitchen. I am on the run but wanted to add a few from the festival "Dine Around" from last night's incredible dinner with guest Chef Paul Liebrandt.

I know the Chefs want the pictures of their dishes but some of the fun pictures are at the end when they have a chance to catch their breath. Kim Delaney from Army Wives came up to pay a visit in the kitchen and posed for a photo op. More photos here but I've had no time to edit or delete.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Wow, what an experience that must have been!


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