01 July 2009

Off to Work

I am off to work. It's another exciting day in health care. I'll keep my eyes peeled for these folks. I haven't spotted them yet and I've been around for a long time.

Heh. I wanted to pose a re-enactment shot but everyone is scared.


  1. I'm usually scared when my doctor, like the one in the corner, slips on a glove and says "Bend over" without even offering to buy dinner first.

  2. I'd say that MD has his hands full, so to speak...

  3. Quite the grabby group...

  4. Anonymous1:44 AM

    If you see them, run in the other direction!
    I do like the colors on the photo.. it seems kind of old fashioned I guess.

  5. So which woman would you be in the reenactment Joan? The groper or the groupee? ;)

  6. Hmmm...I figured I'd be taking the picture but I guess I'd be the one in the back. It would be more fun. He can't really love the blond can he? ;P Besides I can get the keys to the house keeping closet.

    I did work in a large medical center many, many years ago. It was like working in a soap opera.


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