22 June 2009

Taking the wide angle lens for a stroll

East Bay St., Charleston, SC

I took my wide angle lens out for a stroll this morning.

Photographers and artists in Charleston have been enjoying this glorious house through all its stages of decay for so many years it seems we should have been invited to vote before they were allowed to renovate it.

One of my resolutions this year was not to limit my computer time (too hard) but to try to make it more worthwhile. I aimed to learn things rather than fritter my hours away on sites that simply made me giggle. Soooooo.....last night I stayed up late uploading all the names I had found in the pavement to Facebook and tagging everyone I knew whose name I had found. Yep. Now we are talking serious business. Meanwhile a lot of my friends now have their own claim to a tiny block of lowcountry pavement.


  1. Is the wide angle lens new? How fun! You need to go to the beach and use it - and let me know how it does - I've never had a camera with one, but I've often thought it would be a great thing to have. (and I love the images of the kids in the red t-shirts - they are such fun pictures!)

  2. Yeppers, it is new. I bought it for Kenya and then didn't have time to be switching out lenses in the midst of everything. Now I have to figure out what I can do with it. Fun.

    I like the kids pictures too. Each one has a completely different pose and expression.


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