22 June 2009

Shades of Blue

State St., Charleston, SC

I took today off work to take a breath after handling twenty four teenagers every day last week but it turns out I've been working all morning after all. I am scheduled to give a talk at my national conference in Phoenix in August and they expect me to have an outline for handouts ready this week. Huh? For someone who makes it a rule to scramble at the last minute this just doesn't make sense. Grrrr.

I took my sweaty walk break and stopped at Doe's Pita for my Avacado Pita Pocket and walked past this beautiful spot on State St. I've taken this shot so many times but this time the artist in the window of Smith Killian Art Gallery made it extra special.

Hmmm....adding the link to Doe's Pita Pocket I see that they deliver. It has to be a minimum of six lunches but I could probably eat that many. They are healthy.

As always, when I take an odd day off and walk about town I am amazed at all the people who aren't kept locked up inside a business all day. Who are you all, what do you do and how do you manage it?


  1. You are absolutely right. The closeup that reveals the young artist hard at work is a special treat. Nice surprise. It's a wonderful building regardless.
    The wide-angle produces some terrific shots. Try it from right at ground/pavement level shooting up at an object or subject. The distortion is so interesting.

  2. Great eye for seeing all those shades.

    But...Phoenix in August? You've got to be crazy!

  3. Where is the conference? If you want to take pictures of the Phoenix cactus, getting up really really early while the sun is rising is actually quite fun.

  4. Frank - Thanks! It is new to me so I will have to learn what all it can do.

    Catalyst - I know. It sounds dreadful. From heat to heat. I like to go somewhere cooler when I get away from Charleston.

    Julia - Let me check. I know you were just there. I haven't made my reservations yet. Most of our travel is cut but I get comped at my conferences because I take their pictures.

  5. I found these shades of blue last night when I was writing the Jardin Majorelle blog. Check it out.


  6. Katherine, Wow! I admit it is my favorite color. Anytime I don't use blue I am showing self discipline.


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