15 June 2009

Planting the Seeds of Hope Dinner

Planting the Seeds of Hope Dinner, McCrady's Restaurant, Charleston, SC

I can check my googled search words and see that folks have been looking for pictures from Sunday evening's fundraising dinner at McCrady's so here we are.

I'm clearly playing with the big kids now! Check out this line up of top executive chefs all at one event. Left to right: Sean Brock from McCrady's did the dessert, Chef Craig Diehl, Cypress did the local beef dish, Chef Jeremiah Bacon from Carolina’s did the appetizer and Chef Anthony Gray of High Cotton served the local fish course.

What a treat. The whole event started after I suggested it as a fundraiser for our new Cancer Center and Andre' Guillet and his staff at McCrady's turned it into a wonderful event for about ninety people. They even let our Cancer Center nursing staff do a crash course to serve as waitstaff!


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the information.

    It is really nice to hear that top executive chefs took part in a fund raiser event for the new cancer center. It shows how people are committed to a noble cause.

    I find Charleston to be a friendly city. The city offers a good variety activities including everything from sporting events to cultural events.

  2. Nicholas, Charleston is a friendly city indeed but you are in the other Charleston - WV. These gentlemen are in SC.


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