26 April 2009

Travel Packing

North Charleston, SC

This handsome fella is also a new sculpture in the North Charleston Riverfront Park. It looks like they switch them out every year or so just to keep me entertained.

It has finally dawned on me that I will be flying to Kenya a week from tomorrow. I'd been too busy to let it sink in but I am suddenly stunned.

Most of my travel involves some kind of hiking trip but in this case I will be representing my hospital and touring hospitals, orphanages and a school for the blind. I googled "what to wear in Kenya" and discovered camoflage is against the law.

I've been pondering what to take for kiddies but it's tricky not knowing how many there might be at any one place. I talked to the fellows at the sports store at Citadel Mall and we decided on a couple of deflated soccer balls with a pump. I like it! They liked it! They accidentally (ahem) charged me $4.95 for a $20 soccer ball.

At Harris Teeter this morning I started tossing candy, crayons, markers etc. into my basket. I have a week left to go and it doesn't look like I will have any room for clothes. :)

Oh, oh....maybe a good jump rope? What could I take to the School for the Blind? Any ideas?


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Oh ! I'm getting exited for you just reading your post. School for the blind....toys with texture, those funny soft porcupine balls, noise makers..whistles, musical instruments, shaker rattles, playdough, stuffed animals.

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Sorry, I forgot to sign...Sally

  3. Sally, I like the noise maker idea! Thanks!

  4. Good luck on your journey, Joan!

  5. I spent almost three weeks in Accra, Ghana a year ago, a US government trip, and was around children at an elementary school and medical clinic that deals with AIDS, malaria and nutrition. The children there (and in Kenya) are utterly fascinated by our technology. Not cell phones, which are everywhere, but cameras, BlackBerries, SAT phones, etc. The images of themselves they could see immediately on my digital camera fascinated them. if it were possible to take a small, inexpensive digital printer (battery-operated would be ideal) the kids would love you for providing the first photos they would have of themselves, friends and family. It’s a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. Every Ghanaian child seems to attend a private school where they wear a distinctive shirt or uniform ensemble. They LOVE t-shirts and ball caps of any/every kind. They have immeasurable value beyond what we would imagine. T-ball equipment, gloves, Wiffle balls, etc are also a hit. Small personal items, "girly" things and boyish games, sports things would be perfect. They love the Western culture and wear American and European clothing more than one would expect. I hope some of my ideas help as you make you decision as to what to take. Let me know if I can assist in any way.

    Tampa Daily Photo

  6. How extremely cool! I can't think of a thing to add except everyone in my library loves these coloring sheets I put out, the freebie ones you get online for kids. Even grown-ups like to color. I think it's soothing. Crayons more than markers. Maybe you could line your suitcase with some :)
    Can't wait to see the photos you post.

  7. Christopher- Thank you!

    Frank: Good ideas! I tossed in a few ball caps, small calculators I had on hand. I had a quality stethescope I thought might work for a hospital gift. I love, love, love the printer idea but can;t picture being in one place long enough to get it set up and working. That would almost be worth going for all by itself. Keep the ideas coming! My friends are beginning to worry that I won't have room to pack any underwear for myself. :)

  8. Susan, I got a couple packets of colored pencils and they have neato new long crayons now in a plastic sleeve that might not break as easily. I wondered if paper would be plentiful. It might not be. I thought the fun craft scissors might be a hit as well.

  9. Anonymous8:49 AM

    You can rinse your undies out each night. Nooo? I love the ideas you are getting. You will have a trip to remember. Sally

  10. I took a variety of packeged health bars and they were popular. TOOTHBRUSHES are important and very desirable. Pack a couple dozen and give them as gifts. Even flip-flops. Kids and adults. And, if not this trip, maybe for later. Just a thought - Canon SELPHY CP760 compact photo printer: without a computer! Insert camera's memory card into one of the built-in card slots, and print! Or, print directly from your compatible digital camera. Prints up to 4" x 8". Physical Dimensions: 7.9" (W) x 3.3" (H) x 5.6" (D); Weight: 2.1 lbs. MSRP - $99.

  11. Frank, You are driving me nuts with the printer idea. It is killing me. It is soooo me. I am just trying to figure out the logistics. They have us so tightly scheduled that I can't picture having the time to set up and print many pictures. Now I am in complete pain about it. :)

  12. Sally, you are correct! I actually have the undies you can rinse out and dry in a couple hours.

    Hacky sacks. I think hacky sacks would be small and fun!

  13. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Could you sneek in a few small bibles? Or is that on "do not" bring list?

  14. Anon: I believe there is already a mission and church there. I don't think that is a problem at all.

  15. OK, pack several dozen toothbrushes AND travel size toothpaste. You'll be a hit. (And just be sure and show your camera screen to everyone...keep a very tight grip on it as they crowd around and grab to look at themselves.)

    You'll have an incredible trip.

  16. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Oooooh, Fred could have, would have sent toothbrushes for you to give out. Sally

  17. Frank: Will do! :)))

    Sally: I know he would have. Too bad you aren't closer!


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