28 February 2017

Cemetery walking - Magnolia Cemetery

Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, SC
Cemeteries might not be on everyone's visiting guest route but they are one of my frequent haunts so it only made sense to give my nephew a quick driving tour through Magnolia Cemetery yesterday. It was a beautiful day and the azaleas are starting to burst into bloom.

I am not used to seeing many changes in the historic cemetery so this new mausoleum caught my eye. I've never noticed it before.


  1. A rather beautiful structure. I find cemeteries to be very peaceful.

  2. rob eades9:23 PM

    Whats thestory Joan? There has to be one.

    1. It is quite impressive for a recent addition. The year of death was 2014 for Mr. Lipinski.

  3. I love cemeteries! I've always photographed them, and eaten lunch in them, and sometimes even brought books to read there. You know, they were originally created as parks, and families back in the olden times used to bring their lunches after church on Sundays and picnic near their loved ones. Boneyards were never intended to be scary, or creepy - we can thank the media and horror movies for that. They're supposed to be beautiful, peaceful places to enjoy while remembering those who've gone before us. Great photo!!

    1. I agree with you completely and I often seek them out when I travel. I find them peaceful and I do love to discover bits of history.


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