19 October 2013

McClellanville, S.C.

McClellanville, S.C.
An hour up the coast McClellanville is a sweet oak tree shaded marsh front village. I loved it. I paid my $3 and walked through the museum, checked out the few artsy shops on Pinckney St., the Dear Head Oak tree, peeked in the Chapel of Ease and walked through the cemetery. More information here. I definitely need to marry someone in McClellanville and live happily every after, doncha think?


  1. The best of the Low Country. If you marry a guy from up there, make sure he gets you a pied de terre in Charleston. Your work there is not over yet!

  2. Oh I like that idea. I might get bored in a sleepy little village no matter how pretty it is.

  3. Good morning Joan. I love McClellanvile, and recently did quite a bit of studying on it. I would dare say there would be a group of fine, interesting bachelors that would form a queue if they knew they might be a contender! I agree about the Pied de Terre, however. ;-)

    1. Heheh. The population is 459 so I would make it a nice round number.

      On the other hand there is a Fish Camp for sale. If we bought it, all the bachelors would come to us. ;)

    2. Ooohh, how much is the fish camp?

  4. Filmed part of Forrest Gump there. Shrimp soup, shrimp salad, shrimp bisque.....

  5. Completely different kind of tree growth and homes from what I'm used to. Looks lovely, particularly that second to last shot.


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