21 October 2012

Froggie went a-shopping

Copper Frogs at Freshfields Village, Johns Island, S.C.
I've seen these frog sculptures before but never so many at once. Seems the climate at Freshfields Village on Johns Island encourages breeding. Kinda fun, eh? Nice to think that someone came up with the idea to make quirky frogs and was able to turn it into a successful business.
Copper Frogs: by Charles and Zan Smith of Johns Island, SC
This Father and Son team have been making human size frogs since 1974. These wonderful, whimsical frogs will bring lots of laughter to your home, yard and life. Made of Copper, Brass and Stainless Steel, they will never rust or change in your home or garden. The frogs get the verdigres patina from a special coating to initiate the process. There is an 8 week delivery time on frogs not currently in stock. If you have your own idea for a Special frog, they will be glad to take your idea and make it just for you.


  1. I love them! Of course, what I really want is a bear carved from a tree trunk, but these will have to do.

    1. Ooooh...I want one of those bears too! I have a couple photos of them.

  2. I am generally not fond of anthropomorphized animals... but these are FABULOUS! They're just real enough looking to make the expressions and positions totally work. Of course, the copper makes the magic happen! My faves are the one holding the lantern, and the one with spear and shield.


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