20 April 2012

Volunteer Week Fun

Lowcountry Senior Center, James Island, S.C.
This has been Volunteer Week so I've been hopping from one event to another. This morning I stopped by the Lowcountry Senior Center on James Island for their Volunteer Recognition brunch. I never hear anyone talk about the Lowcountry Senior Center without raving about how wonderful it is. I joined last year so I could take the Zumba classes on Saturday mornings. They always seem to have something going on.

I need to go to bed, kids. I've been on work shaped roller coaster for the last few days and it isn't over yet.


  1. what a wonderful moment you've captured here, joan.

  2. A joyful portrait! Zumba classes? never heard of it, but I'm going to join at my local fitness center...can't wait!! PS I'm already scheming on how I can get back to Charleston!!


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