28 March 2011

Chasing the Black Cab - King St.

King St., Charleston, S.C.

I used to chase down the British Black Cabs for photo ops but they've been scarcer lately.

I interviewed a lady from Scotland this morning and that reminded me of the photo of my dream car found in Edinburgh a couple of years ago. Yep! A Black Cab with a bottle of Corona on the side. Perfect! I can travel with a wedge of lime.

It's cold outside, kids! I'm trying to make myself go for a walk but I've been dragging on a snuggle under a warm blanket watching last night's recorded Army Wives and sniffling. Sniff.


  1. So much for drinking and driving, huh? :)


  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Advertising cabby...how cute.... that takes mobile advertising to a new level. Nice contract the yellow with the glossy black.

  3. Hopefully you're sniffling because the show is sad and not because you have a cold! Hubby and I are watching the Battlestar Galactica series (again) and sniffling our way through that one - very emotionally draining, but a fantastic story!

  4. lowandslow - but, in a cab, I'd have a driver! That would be the life.

    maggsworld - they all seemed to have ads on them in Scotland.

    Marcheline - it was a sad episode. :(


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