23 January 2011

Party time!

Roper Xavier Society Gala, Charleston Place Hotel, Charleston, S.C.

Party time! No one said we couldn't clean up once a year.

Last night was the Roper St. Francis Healthcare Donor Appreciation Gala at Charleston Place Hotel with Ben Stein as the special guest speaker. I get to go because I am so involved with mentoring students in health care that I donate all of my Trident United Way donations into Nursing Scholarships and apparently it is enough to slip me in under the wire to play with the big kids. Woo hoo!

My volunteers also support the Foundation so I had a happy group of companions to go with. As you can see above I deliberately picked friends who would make me feel petite. :)

I am a pretty low maintenance gal and Sabriam Brinton at Whispers on Wentworth reminded me that I'd been coming to her for four years - that makes a total of four visits. Heheh. Once again I let my hair down and she gave me a glamor "do" for the occasion. Thanks Sabriam!

We had a great time. Thanks to all the organizers and sponsors of the event.

Clearly Charleston Daily Photo has been having some trouble with images lately. Not sure what that is about. I've fixed the links a couple of times and never know what is going to show up.


  1. "I deliberately picked friends who would make me feel petite."

    Tell the truth, Joan....they were waiting in line to have THEIR picture taken with YOU!

    You look gorgeous, really. :)


  2. You ALWAYS look gorgeous, Joan. But that guy with the wine glass must be 8 feet tall!

    And, later, was that Ben Stein?

  3. Low - thank you!

    Catalyst - can you believe it? Ben Stein was the speaker. I'm trying to remember the jokes he told.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What music did the lady with the Space Age-looking violin play?

  6. What an elegant evening. You do look like a wee one next to those giant men.

  7. Beach Bum - There were three of them - they were very high energy. The were called the "String Angels". Kinda a River Dance things. Very well received.


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