30 November 2009

100,000 hits and rolling

White Point Gardens, Charleston, S.C.

The hit counter rolled over to 100,000 this morning. It was a sweet moment since it was at this time last year when my earlier and long term blog Walk this Way died and I had to start over from scratch. Sob.

It was stunning to have entries I had done for over four years disappear. Thousands of subscribers to the Journalspace blog platform woke up to find our online community gone. We were homeless blog refugees looking for new homes.

I took over the inactive Charleston Daily Photo site and spent my Christmas holiday last year designing the new layout.

It has worked well for the most part. People are clear that it is about Charleston and that attracts everyone who loves the lowcountry, folks who miss it or hope to visit. Some come to visit because of the blog. I do miss using all the pictures of my travels and telling adventure stories about growing up. If it isn't from Charleston I feel like I am sneaking it in here. One cranky commenter fusses if I talk about myself too much or include content that isn't local. Heh.

My audience used to be quite international but I am more recognizable locally now. It's startling but fun. A lady (hi Connie!) waved to me from her wheelchair in the hospital this morning and told me she was a fan. That is incredibly delightful.

I've given two talks about blogging this year, won the City Paper's Best Local Interest Blog award and been interviewed by Channel 2 about photo storage earlier this year. I met terrific people, get so many wonderful emails from people from all over the world and it's been nice to steer traffic to worthwhile sites and projects. I feel very fortunate.

Thank you all for making this fun! Luckily I live in a city that has something worth taking a picture of every time I walk out the door. Onward!


  1. My blogs are pretty much dead. I just made it past 50,000 hits and four years when JS died. I have not even made it to 5,000 here after nearly a year.

    Thats OK, the ones who do stop by are all quality readers :-)

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Your da best Joan... Keep me smiling

  3. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Anonymous was me Paul..lol

  4. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Just glad you are still with us after Journalspace turned to cyber dust. I need my daily drop by!!!! And your volunteers ROCK!!!! What an incredible group of folks. Thanks, Connie

  5. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Glad you found a Blog Pad to launch off of, you sure have a gift. I do miss the old JS, with travel and growing up photos and stories though. Congratulations on the mile stone. Sally

  6. Doug - that's what matters, eh - a few quality readers.

    Paul - Thank you!

    Connnie - It was a treat to meet you :)

    Sally - I know. Too bad. I'll slip them in once and a while.

  7. I love the posts about your wonderful food over there. Keep 'em coming!

  8. We are indeed fortunate to live in a city worth writing about. So glad I found your blog--makes me appreciate my home all the more! Thank you for your excellent posts & pics. Your "quality" readers that didn't get to read your previous blog spot would love to hear more about you--you're an awesome asset to our fair city!

  9. I am a huge fan of those personal stories!

  10. Well I am glad you didn't let Journalspace's demise keep you down. Although I did enjoy as you said the more personal stories but you've proven a picture is worth a thousand words and readers.

    And after today I am glad to say I have met you in peroson! Me and my wife enjoyed the brief visit and tourist tips. Continue to be one of Charleston's best Ambassadors! :)

    -Richard Baas
    Tallahassee, Florida.

  11. Congrats, Joan...and very well deserved, I say!!

    You have a really enjoyable and informative and even humorous blog here!!

    Oh my! You have a *rare comment* from Botany (Richard Baas) lol! Congrats on that toooo, lol!


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