01 February 2009

Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael’s Church is the oldest church edifice in the City of Charleston, standing on the site of the first Anglican Church built south of Virginia. In the 1680’s a small wooden church, the first in the new town of Charles Town, was built on this spot for the families of the Church of England, and named St. Philip’s. By 1727, the town had grown too large for the small church and a more spacious one was built of brick on Church Street, later destroyed by fire in 1835.

It's tradition. I have to feature a Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance. Put the money in the collection box as you leave.

Our word of wisdom for the day is from Aldous Huxley:

It's a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'Try to be a little kinder.'

I have a busy week ahead. Let's hope everyone remembers to be a little kinder.


  1. I like the palm fringe on the top of this photo.

  2. The churches of Charleston are one of my favorite aspects of the city. When I lived there I prefered St. Philip's to St. Michael's, for its more somber timeworn appearance, the God of the old testament definately dwells there. I also liked the Huguenot for its ceiling, but the Unitarian had the best graveyard (pre-Hugo) as it was overgrown full and lush. You could have gotten lost in it. I prefer walking through and around them to sitting in them or joining them, and I enjoy your pictures of them in lieu of attendance.

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Ouch. First lovely comment - very pithy about Vonnegut, kindness, and age, eaten by computer gremlins. SO now...kindness:good. Church photo: lovely. :)

  4. This shows great. These intimate exposure. Greetings.

  5. Kindness is the best! It will always come back to us. :)

    That's a lovely old church, I love the steeple and the wooden structure.

  6. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Joan you have such an eye for beauty. And yes, a little kinder is better for sure.Sally

  7. Well, I've been there! I feel pretty cosmopolitan now! :D

    Sorry I missed your old blog, but I'm glad you're taking up the slack with this one--looking forward to seeing many purty pics of Charleston, and hope you'll occasionally include the Folly Beach area, which I love with an unbridled passion. Just linked you!

  8. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Thanks folks!

    Daisy: I love Folly too. You won't have to wait long for pictures of it.

  9. "Church photo in lieu of Attendance" I really like that idea, I perhaps should do it, I never go much these days (years).
    Nice looking church.

  10. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Paul: neither do I :) I bet you have some beautiful churches in your area.


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