17 August 2019

The Righteous Gemstones

DB'S Cheese-steak Restaurant, Avondale, Charleston, SC 
I walked down to Avondale in between the thundershowers and got a look at the new murals promoting the Righteous Gemstones - HBO series being filmed locally and beginning tomorrow on HBO. John Goodman is the star and I believe Danny McBride the producer. Some of my friends have been extras. Sadly I don't have HBO so not sure when I'll get the chance to see it.


  1. I know the folks in Avondale love their murals, but let’s hope those are particularly short lived!

  2. The murals are strong though a bit commercial. No, a LOT commercial.

  3. Watching the trailer makes me smile about this, a total spoof.Its got a real “Talledega Nights” vibe!

  4. I think that particular wall is commercial and will be short term. It was recently painted for the Halloween movie premiere which was also filmed here.


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