11 July 2017

Chalmers St.

Pink House, Charleston, SC    
I frequently pass this darling home on Chalmers St. that is often described as the oldest home on the peninsula but rarely find it without a car parked right in front of it. No car blocking the view and crepe myrtle trees in bloom - my lucky day!

A short walk down the street I always stop to admire my initials in the author Josephine Pinckney's home. JP! How considerate.


  1. Charleston is an expert at "prettying" up the neighbourhoods!

    1. I never get tired of walking the historic district.

  2. Replies
    1. The blossoms are the icing on the cake.

  3. Getting a photo of beautiful homes and buildings without a vehicle in front is ongoing challenge, isn't it? You've got to have a lot of patience and a good memory for the structures you like, so you can check back from time to time.

    1. It is and I go back and forth on trying. Part of the charm of old photos is dating the vehicles and admiring the clothes. Sadly today's tourists/folks passing by all tend to be wearing baggy, rumpled shirts and shorts and don't add much to the picture.


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