16 December 2016

Music in the Chapel - St. Thomas, Cainhoy

St. Thomas Church. Cainhoy, SC   
I took the photo above in 2009 when I first visited the Chapel of St. Thomas/St. Denis or the Brick Chapel on Cainhoy Rd. This evening I attended a Christmas concert by the Barefoot Movement group in this same historic chapel in the woods. It was quite an amazing experience. Thanks to my friend Renae for giving me the heads-up! They had heaters in the church yard, a cash bar and served popcorn and grilled cheese sandwiches. We felt quite wicked sipping wine in church. Many thanks to the organizers and performers.

In other news - why, why, why do people go to concerts where incredible musicians are singing and playing, if they plan to talk all the way through them? I gave some nasty glares to the group chattering behind us without much effect. Sheeesh.


  1. Joan, I caught a glimpse of you (I was with my girls in the balcony) - sorry we didn't find you after. What a wonderful evening! Best wishes this holiday season.

    1. What an incredible place to listen to beautiful music! It was such a treat.

  2. Karen Snyder9:36 AM

    What a lovely old churchyard.

    As for the talkers . . . rudeness never recognizes itself. What a shame.

    1. Exactly. I have a pretty good mean glare and it didn't phase them.

  3. What a pretty church!

    A pox on those chatterers.


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