31 May 2016

A patriotic show

Belvedere Hotel, Charleston, SC   
I am a day late but loved this picture of the giant flag draped over the porch. The gorgeous building is the Belvedere Hotel on Rutledge Avenue right across from Colonial Lake. The other flags are from the annual Memorial Day tribute on Lockwood Ave. It is a sight to see along the waterfront. 

I have NOT had a relaxing evening after searching for the source of a dripping noise inside my house. Boo hiss. The drip pan from my air-conditioning unit in the attic had overflowed and was dripping through the ceiling. Climbing around hot attics is not my idea of fun. Blah. Charles, my loyal heat and air repairman from Carolina Climate Masters responded to my plea for help and although I still have a wet ceiling I do have air-conditioning again. 


  1. Belvedere Charleston is happy to be included in your blog post....We hang that flag on every possible occasion!

    1. And I frequently grab a shot! It is such a beautiful building. Thanks for maintaining it so well.

  2. Beautiful architecture at the Belvedere!

  3. Sorry about your a.c. problem but loved seeing the flags in Charleston. It is a beautiful design and color.

  4. Sorry about your overflow. That has happened to me, too, in Connecticut. Your post reminds me to check the drain line from the pan tomorrow morning.

    1. Yes, somehow I fell off their annual preventative maintenance check list. This could have been prevented. Grrrr. What a silly design.

  5. Beautiful flag pictures, Joan. It made me recall the day my daughter and I walked around downtown taking pictures of flags. I didn't get any near as good as yours! Glad you got your ac working. It will be 115 here this weekend. A first for us. We are usually traveling by this time but are hanging around a bit longer this summer. Cheers!


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