01 January 2016


Reflections, Charleston, SC
Happy New Year! Today's image has nothing to do with Charleston but I had a puddle to play with and a miniature ship on hand. That lead me to google Reflections and I came up with a list of Year-end questions thanks to Michael Angier at appleseed.com
  1. What did I learn?
  2. What did I accomplish? A list of my wins and achievements.
  3. What would I have done differently? Why?
  4. What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?
  5. What were the most significant events of the year past? 
  6. What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? 
  7. What were the fun things I did? What were the not-so-fun?
  8. What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
  9. How am I different this year than last?
  10. For what am I particularly grateful?
I had a lovely early dinner out with friends at Angel Oak restaurant last night. Everything was delicious and I felt fortunate to share the evening with good friends. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by the Charleston Daily Photo blog this year and especially those of you who take the time to leave a comment. Happy New Year!


  1. Ahoy! Captain Jack Sparrow requesting permission to come aboard.

  2. How pretty!

    Happy New Year!

  3. I think I'll use these for journal writing. Thanks for posting.


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