30 December 2015

This little Piggy

Piggy holiday decor, Charleston, SC 
This little piggy dresses up for Christmas! So does his partner on the other side of the steps.

My understanding is that the home belongs to the owners of the former Piggly Wiggly grocery store chain and I always know they will do something fun with the guard pigs for the holidays.


  1. Very cute!

    There's a store called the Piggly Wiggly?

    1. I know, right?! Couldn't believe the name, either, when I first lived in Charleston.

    2. Karen Snyder10:11 AM

      " . . . over 600 stores in 17 states . . . since 1916." https://www.pigglywiggly.com/

    3. There was even one in my small home town in North Dakota when I was a kid. Happy New Year, Joan!

    4. There really is! Or was. There used to be a big chain but just a few privately owned ones now.

  2. I wonder if they dress it up for other holidays, too. I could come up with ideas for Valentine's Day...or Easter...or Halloween...Ha!


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