11 May 2015

Colonial Lake renovations

Colonial Lake renovations, Rutledge Ave., Charleston, SC
Colonial Lake renovations, Charleston, SC
I am sure it will be beautiful but I am missing the lake (and my secret parking spots) during the renovation period. It will be nice to have it back new and improved.

The excited buzz in South Carolina today is about Volvo's announcement that we have been selected for their first US factory. Woohoo! This is grand although I did pause in surprise when I read they are now a Chinese company and will be making Swedish cars in South Carolina. Still, even with all the incentives offered, the possibility of good jobs always feels like positive news. Happy day!

Am I a complete wimp? I just turned my air-conditioning on for the first time. I went for a walk to finish my 10,000 steps and came home hot and sticky.


  1. Well that is good news for South Carolina!

  2. Yes, 82 is a bit low for a.c. It's 71 here but with the wind gusting to 25 mph, it's cold out there!


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