06 May 2015

Before & After - Beaufain St.

Beaufain & Rutledge Ave., Charleston, SC
I like it when things don't change too very much. I believe these are condos now and still very nicely kept up at the corner of Colonial Lake on Beaufain St. and Rutledge Ave.

Last night I mentioned the Lowcountry Day of Giving. Holy cow. We gave over $4 million in twenty four hours. This was a national campaign but the lowcountry had the most generous number of donors by far. Amazing. I made donations to the Barrier Island Free Medical Clinic and Water Missions International in support of the earthquake in Nepal.

I finished watching four seasons of The Killing on Netflix. What shall I do with my life now? Every time I had a free half hour I watched another episode.


  1. Try Longmire. Excellent show...

    1. I caught some of them on TV but I think I missed quite a few. I did like the series.

  2. It's quite a good looking building.


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