14 April 2015

Nina & Pinta

Nina & Pinta, Charleston, S.C.
Have I mentioned that technology has not been kind to me lately? You name it, I've had problems with it - cell phone, phone systems, photo copiers, scanners, monitors and computers. Aaaargh. My wifi has worked so I've been able to sulk around online a bit with my tablet but my poor blog has been abandoned. The site is blocked at work of course so I couldn't even stay late and sneak a picture on. I still have to figure a few things out - not sure if I can find my old Lightroom package - sob.

Better late than never, these are the Columbus ships in the Charleston Harbor. I had this image uploaded and ready to go last week so they have already sailed on. We were missing the Santa Maria but still very cool to see these two ships and imagine what it must have been like for the sailors. I saw these ships many years ago in Charleston and then one time I was in New York city high up in the Statue of Liberty and looked out to see them sailing into the harbor. By now they feel like old friends. Sail on my pretties!


  1. They are beautiful! I know they were further south not too long ago.

  2. And hopefully your computer issues get sorted quickly.

  3. You need a "tech man"! I would lend you mine, but he lives in Massachusetts!! So sorry for all your troubles, Joan. But I love the photo!!


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