09 March 2015

Happy 312 birthday!

Eutawville, S.C.
 A round of applause please, for the latest tree award.

I spotted a new sign under this impressive live oak tree in Eutawville and made a quick stop to see what honors it had been awarded. Three hundred and twelve years! Not too shabby. The grand-dame has seen a lot in her lifetime.

I might commission a sign like this for my next birthday. Wherever I sit down I will have it on a stand in front of me declaring my impressive age and a summary of what has happened in my lifetime. 


  1. I'm curious as to how they estimated the age of the tree; did they take a core sample? I'd imagine they must have used some precision technique to have come up with such an exact age. Very interesting.

  2. Quite a grand age for it!

  3. Impressive accomplishment for a tree! Especially that it managed to grow in a spot where no one ever made the decision to cut it down! My neighbor lost a similar size tree in 2011 due to our bad drought that year. I lost trees too but the neighbor's tree was so much bigger and it made me cry the day they had to come and cut the dead tree down.
    I think the birthday award sign is a great idea! It might even catch on!

  4. I bet this tree could tell all sorts of stories...

  5. Seems like it would be closer to 314 now.


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