19 January 2015

Teeny, tiny houses of the lowcountry

Drayton Hall privy, Charleston, S.C.
I have a little brick sweetie to add to our collection of teeny, tiny houses of Charleston. Tin roof, fireplace. I am ready to move it. One catch - this particular wee cottage was actually the privy or outhouse for the much larger mansion. We are still going to do it in style since the framed sketch inside shows that it was a seven-seater! Call your friends. We have room for everyone. Yikes.

The fireplace was added later when it was used as an office.


  1. That's funny. I originally read your caption as "teeny, tiny outhouses..."

    1. And you would be correct in this case!

  2. Not exactly sure I'd want to repurpose that for an office!

    1. I guess after a 100 years or so it might be okay, but you are right.

  3. A seven-room outhouse? As Fitzgerald once wrote, the rich are different from you and me.

    1. Cotton Boll, I wondered about that as well. Then I thought maybe they were personal seats claimed by different members of a family and not necessarily all to be used at once. I don't know. I have seen two seaters before, in fact grew up with one. If I recall one had a bigger opening than the other so smaller folks wouldn't slip in ;)


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