08 November 2014

YALL Festival

YALL Festival, King St., Charleston, S.C.
Downtown King St. is happy chaos this morning and the YALL Festival appears to be the cause of it. People are lined up around the block from the American Theater and Blue Bicycle Book Store waiting for their turn. I guess people do still read! How exciting that this many people want to mix, mingle and meet authors and get books signed.

I am off to make black bean soup. I've been on a soup kick lately. Mushroom, potato, chicken ginger and now black bean. Love them all. Let me know if you have any other winning recipes I should try.


  1. Great to see so many young folks enthusiastic about books and reading and authors and the whole experience. Warms my cold heart. And yes, I stood in one of those line for a while with my daughter to get my own book signed.

  2. That does look like quite a crowd!

  3. Bookish Charleston. Who knew?


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