12 October 2014

Rich in Love

Johns Island, S.C.
When my friend local author Josephine Humphreys' book Rich in Love was made into a movie, this sweet little octagonal cottage was part of the set. Instead of it being disposed of, she had it dismantled and put together on the bank of a marsh creek on Johns Island. The movie was made in 1992 and filmed in Charleston and Mt. Pleasant. It is already a little time capsule showing the old bridges and the former Wando High School campus. I love listening to Josephine's stories of the movie being filmed.

I had dinner on the dock at dusk last night watching the birds swoop down over the gold tinted autumn marsh. It was a perfect lowcountry evening. 


  1. Now I'll have to check if this movie is available on Amazon Prime. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Let me know if it is so I can tell people!

  2. That's a neat thing to preserve. I think I've seen bits of the movie at some point.

  3. It was a great thing. They were going to throw it out. She had the pieces numbered and put back together. It is so charming.

  4. How cool! I love the way movies preserve places in time. Movies are, to me, the absolute dearest treasure we have.


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