25 March 2014

Elloree Trials 2014

Elloree Trails, Elloree, S.C.
This was a new one for me! I had never been to a horse race before and happened to land in Elloree, S.C, on the one day of the year that the Elloree Trails were held on Saturday. This is rural South Carolina so may not match the description of other horse races but this was pretty darn cool and the diverse and festive crowd seemed to be having a grand time. So did I. They had a lancing competition and sky diving demonstration as well as a day full of racing event.


  1. This looks like loads of fun. Nice pix! The only horse races I have attended were much bigger and much swankier, at Keeneland in Kentucky. But I didn't have a camera with me.

  2. Very dynamic horse shots, Joan. I've never attended races myself.

  3. Great shots! The first, second and last are my favorites.

  4. Hey, is that Kenny Rogers in the last shot, LOL?


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