27 March 2014

Crab soup, chicken sammies & coconut cake, oh my!

Old St. Andrew's Tea Room Lunch, Charleston, S.C.
Church Tea Rooms are a lowcountry phenomenon and if you haven't gone yet you'd best make your plans soon. There isn't anything special about the menu and it hasn't changed for years. It is exactly as it should be - chicken salad or shrimp paste sandwiches on white bread, crab or okra soup and orange congealed salad. There is a selection of desserts but I swear by Mizz Arlene's coconut cake and get it every year. Church members work staffing the entire event and it is the one main fundraiser for the historic church. The event ends on April 5th.

I knew half the people there and got enough hugs to last me until next spring. Many of them were my current hospital volunteers, some had helped me out years ago and others were fun facebook friends. It was like Old Home Week and I loved every minute of it. 



  1. I can imagine that'll bring out quite a lot of the community!

    Viewed from outside the church is quite lovely.

  2. Loving your blog and getting together some good ideas of what to do when we ome to charleston in September this year . But question....can u recommend where to stay?? We are a couple in our fifties from New Zealand.looking for accomodation that is central to everything.can you recommend anywhere?

    1. Sarah, sure thing. September should be lovely here (fingers crossed for no hurricanes!). If you are here for a short visit you should stay on the peninsula if you can. My email is: charlestonjoan@gmail.com. Feel free to touch base and I will line up some suggestions. Also any info about your trip and what you like to do might help.

  3. It looks like a nice little gathering, and tasty too! :)


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