Summerall Chapel, The Citadel, Charleston, S.C. |
This morning's walk took me to the campus of the Citadel - the Military College of South Carolina so our
church photo in lieu of attendance is the Summerall Chapel. Built in 1936 it is a beautiful chapel and a sentimental favorite for weddings of graduates. I've attended the Christmas candlelight service that is a highlight each year.
Summerall Chapel is a shrine of religion, of patriotism and of remembrance. Every time the Corps marched the length of the parade ground, they could see the words, “Remember Now Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth”
(Ecclesiastes 12:1). Marching inside, the Corps saw the flags and the
stained glass windows calling them to remembrance and reverence. Once
the Corps was seated, the Color Guard marched in with precision and
ceremoniously placed the flags of The Citadel and the United States in a
position of honor and respect. The inscription above the altar, "To the Glory of God, and In Memory of The Citadel's Patriot Dead" served as a reminder of all who had gone before and lived the values of The Citadel.
Summerall Chapel remains a special place in the lives of the Corps as
well as its alumni. In the first place, it is for many of our cadets a
place of sanctuary, a safe haven away from the constraints and stresses
of cadet life. Secondly, it is of course a place of worship.
I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I have! Just got back from an oyster roast at Bowen's Island do I am fat and happy.
It looks quite impressive from the outside!